Saturday, July 4, 2015

A day to be proud of myself and 'The Things That We Take For Granted'

So, first, 'The Things That We Take For Granted'

Today: Being able to raise your arms to tie your hair, wear your T-Shirt, wave at somebody, remove a jar from the top shelf... and everything that needs you to raise your arms above your head level :(

Day-before yesterday the trainer S made us do the entire body workout. Since yesterday evening my arms started protesting. Loudly. By night I was having trouble raising my arms. The ache continues today. 

I had work till late afternoon today. So I decided to go to the gym at about 4 p.m. I returned home at 2:30 p.m. and was extremely tired. Also my arms were aching so much and that made me more tired and very irritable. I just didn't feel like going to the gym today. I was scheduled to do the full-body workout and that would include upper-body. The thought of doing that made me feel miserable. 

P said I should sleep for a while. After resting, I'd feel better. He also expressed doubt if I would wake up in time and whether I would go to the gym. Secretly I too was feeling like not going. But aloud I said, 'Don't worry. Ill go. No matter what. But I won't do upper-body. I'll tell the trainer. Only lower body today.' So I slept for about 45 minutes. When the alarm went off I hit snooze once. The next time it went off, I was tempted to hit snooze but, unwillingly, I got up, got dressed and went to the gym. Today S wasn't there. A guy, SP, was in charge today. I told him everything and he took me through the lower body workout. He too was patient and nice with me. Once done, I did stretches as per his instructions and then asked him to show me stretches to help reduce the ache in the arms. He got me to do those as well. Finally I was done. I thanked him and left.

Tomorrow is Sunday. The gym is open but I am going to take a break. I'll go on Monday.

So today is a day to be proud of myself. Its easy to go to the gym when you feel like going. Not at all easy when you feel miserable at the thought. I made the right choice in a difficult situation. So I am proud of myself :)

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