Friday, July 3, 2015

Day 4 and not bored yet...

...its a milestone for me ! 

I am (still) eager to go to the gym despite the body ache. Actually I shouldn't be making such a statement. I've decided to deal with my resistance to exercise on a day to day basis. So let me rephrase that. Till today I have been eager to go to the gym :)

Today I went earlier than the last three days because I wanted to meet my friend. Last night I retired to the bedroom at about 10:45 p.m. and finally went to sleep at about 11:20 p.m. I woke up (with the help of the alarm) at 7:00 a.m. today. A little over 7 hours of sleep. Not bad, eh ?

I met my friend in the gym today. His trainer had called him early so he was already more than halfway through his workout. We just said a quick 'Hi' and I started my workout. Today was Cardio and Abs. So did the treadmill first. I was actually looking for S but didn't see her around. As I began walking on the treadmill suddenly she was at my side remarking that I was early today. Then she told me the order of the workout for Cardio and Abs. A little later my friend suddenly came to my side and said, "Good good...fight ! Good speed !"

I sweated so much today ! 15 minutes each on the treadmill, elliptical and bicycle with a couple of sets of different types of crunches and the plank position. But it felt really good. I was able to do everything without any immediate body ache. I guess that will begin later in the day :)

My friend left earlier than I and while leaving he asked me to come at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow too. I replied that since I have teaching in the morning, I'll be coming in the afternoon. So he said, "OK, but make sure you do come. Don't miss it." It felt good...somebody making sure I stick to it. I'd always longed for a gym buddy...somebody who'll keep tabs on me...not necessarily be with each minute but be watchful from a distance. I'm so glad I listened to him and joined the same gym :)

Last night P was asking me whether I would now get up early each day and go to the gym earlier. I told him that I am not making any rules for myself. If I bind myself too much I feel stifled and then start rebelling against myself even though I know that it is to my detriment. So I'm keeping it simple this time. I'm going to be easy with it. The only thing I have decided is that I will exercise everyday, no matter what. No other rules. This might work better for me.

Tomorrow I have a full body workout and heaven knows what is going to happen to me after that ! I hope I'll be able to drive back home at least :D The one good thing is that day-after is Sunday and I shall get some relief :)

That's all for today. See you tomorrow :)

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